
Return Policy
To ensure cleanliness of product/s we do NOT offer returns UNLESS product is damaged. *See damage policy for more details. We do want our customers to be satisfied, so we are willing to find an acceptable solution to guarantee happiness. If there is a problem with your order, please contact rawradianceteam@gmail.com.
Damage Products Policy
If a product arrives damaged, please contact our support team at rawradianceteam@gmail.com. Email our support team with picture poof of damaged product/s, name, order number, and name of product/s damaged. Once we have received picture proof, we will gladly send replacement product/s or product/s of equal value.
 Cancellation Policy
We will offer full refund on orders that have NOT shipped out. Please contact the support team at rawradianceteam@gmail.com. We do NOT offer refunds for order that have been shipped out, this is to ensure cleanliness of products.
Should you have any questions regarding our policies or general questions, please contact rawradianceteam@gmail.com.